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First Aid

The Modern Herb Shop carries many products that support the body's response in acute injuries and "first aid" situations.

Some of the most useful products are:

Go to the bottom of this page and you will find a list of items that will make up a fairly complete Chinese Sports Medicine First Aid Kit.

Aged Traditional Dit Da Jow Extract Aged Traditional Dit Da Jow Extract

This aged herbal extract is trusted by athletes, martial artists, weekend warriors and anyone who is physically active.

Burn Ointment - Ching Wan Hung Soothing Herbal Balm for Burn Treatment Burn Ointment | Ching Wan Hung Soothing Herbal Balm

The ointment of choice for temporary relief of pain and itching associate with minor burns and sunburn.

Culing (Curing) Herbal Remedy for Stomach Ache, Indigestion, Acid Reflux, & Heartburn Culing (Curing) Digestion Pills

Supports & then maintains healthy digestion for on the spot relief.

Our Price: $8.68

Die Da Wan Hua Liniment for bruising | Modern Herb Shop Die Da Wan Hua Oil

This is an excellent liniment for injuries where a hardened mass has formed; and is used by healthcare practitioners for guasha.

Our Price: $7.45

Die Da Wan Hua Liniment for bruising | Modern Herb Shop Die Da Wan Hua Oil - Roll On

For the temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints due to: simple backache, arthritis, strains, bruises, sprains.

Our Price: $10.19
Foam Underwrap Foam Underwrap

Foam Underwrap is a polyurethane foam substrate that is strong, highly porous, non-adhesive tape used directly on the skin. Highly recommended as a wrap for MHS Three Yellow Powder.

Our Price: $2.49

Hua Zhi Ling | Phargelin Hua Zhi Ling | Extra Strength (Hemorrhoids Support)

Helps support the body's elimination system particularly when hemorrhoids are present.

Our Price: $5.99
Hysan Hua Tuo Medicated Plaster | External First Aid Pain Relief Patch Hysan Hua Tuo Medicated Plaster

An excellent moderate strength general use pain-relieving plaster.

Our Price: $4.69

MHS Ji Biannuan Jiu Traditional Extract Ji Biannuan Jiu Traditional Extract

An herbal extract containing a combination of warming herbs indispensable for that warming, soothing, feeling.

MHS Calendula Oil's deep yellow color indicates a potent extract MHS Calendula Oil

A hand-crafted extract of Calendula flowers: a superb oil that also helps with cuts, scrapes, minor burns, rashes, and all manner of skin irritations. Safe for babies, too!

MHS San Huang San MHS San Huang San | 3 Yellow Powder

The premiere external poultice used by active martial artists and professional athletes.

MHS Skin Soothing Balm - organic soothing balm for all types of skin irritations MHS Skin Soothing Balm

This excellent salve is a heavy hitter for skin that needs immediate attention.

MHS St. John's Wort Massage Oil relieves and soothes the body, mind and spirit MHS St. John's Wort Oil

A hand-crafted extract of St John's Wort flowers: a superb massage oil that also helps with cuts, scrapes, minor burns, skin irritations, sore muscles, nerve pain, scars, stretch marks and growing pains.

Moxa Extinguisher Moxa Extinguisher

Safely extinguisher both large and small moxa sticks and rolls, with this compact metal extinguisher.

Our Price: $7.99
Po Chai provides fast relief Po Chai Pills | Bao Ji Wan

Supports & then maintains healthy digestion for on the spot relief

Our Price: $10.79

Die Da Wan Trauma Pills Tieh Ta Wan | Sprains Support Trauma (Hit) Pill

Taken internally to support the body's natural ability to recover after multiple bruises, or contusions.

Our Price: $4.50
Tiger Balm Analgesic for Muscle Pain, Aches, Sore Joints & Arthritis Tiger Balm

Helps relieve muscular aches and pains, soothe tired muscles, and increase circulation in joints.

Our Price: $8.98

White Flower Analgesic Balm White Flower Strain Relief

Use as a topical liniment for the temporary relief of minor aches and
pains of muscles and joints associated with simple backache, and strains.

Our Price: $13.95

Yun Xiang Jin Liniment for muscle aches and pains Yun Xiang Jin

Use to temporarily relieve the pain of bruises, aches and pains of muscles and joints.

Our Price: $7.19
A hemostatic powder that supports circulation Yunnan Baiyao Capsules

Promotes the health of the immune system, the circulatory system, and the health of the blood; and to help maintain regularity and the body's natural balance.

Our Price: $12.59

A hemostatic powder that supports circulation Yunnan Baiyao Powder

A very popular product for overall internal and external health.

Zheng Gu Shui Analgesic Liniment for muscle aches and pains Zheng Gu Shui

Use to temporarily relieve the pain of bruises, aches and pains of muscles and joints.


More Information

Highlighted items are sold here. The rest of the items may be found at your local pharmacy or Chinese herb store.
This list is taken from the book A Tooth From the Tiger's Mouth: How to Treat Your Injuries with Powerful Healing Secrets of the Great Chinese Warriors by Tom Bisio. The book itself is an outstanding reference for TCM sports medicine and first aid, and is a valuable resource to be included in your medicine chest.

1 bottle
Dit Da Jow Bruise Liniment
Trauma Pills
1 package (16 caps)
Yunnan Baiyao Capsues

1 tube
Burn Ointment
1 bottle
Black Ghost Oil
1 jar
San Huang San 3 Yellow Powder
1 jar
San Huang San 3 Yellow Powder (pre-mixed)
1 box
Yunnan Baiyao Plaster
1 can
Wu Yang Pain-Relieving Plasters
1 can
701 Plasters
2 Moxa Poles
6-10 rolls
2-3 cups for cupping, different sizes
10 lancets for bleeding
1 pair
1 box
pellets or seeds to stimulate ear points
15-20 gauze pads
2-3 elastic bandages
1 pair
30-40 bandaids- various sizes
1 triangular bandage to make a sling
1 unbreakable plastic bottle to dispose of lancets
1 can
Yunnan Baiyao Spray
1 jar
Skin Soothing Balm (a Modern Herb Shop original product)

Still not certain what you need? See this article: Injuries: Finding the Right Solution.